Intune Issue – changing requirements on win32 apps after its been uploaded

When browsing twitter a lovely Sunday morning I came a cross a tweet that caught my attention where it was reported that changing the requirements on an already created Win32 app In Intune wasn’t working as expected. And since procrastination is one of my biggest strengths I thought I would

Using PSADT with win32 Apps in intune

If you have been doing application deployment with ConfigMgr there’s a high lightlyhood you’ve came a cross Powershell Application Deployment Toolkit (PSADT) which is tool that helps you create a framework for wrapping the installation process for applications and some technical benefits in the form of logging information, GUI for

Intune Issue – Allow standard users to enable encryption during Azure AD Join

Update This issue has been solved by Microsoft. A fix was rolled out and implemented on the 26th of August 2019 Huge thanks to @ConfigMgrDogs over on Twitter for the follow up on this. I’ve had several customers reaching out to me recently and wondering why their newly provisioned Autopilot

schedule custom notifications with Azure automation and the Intune powershell SDK

In a previouse blog post of mine I showed how one could use the Intune Powershell SDK to send custom notification which is a new feature in Intune but without accessing the Intune portal. See link below In todays article we will take it one step further and schedule a

Import the Intune powershell sdk module in Azure automation

One of the great new-ish features if not the greatest feature is the option to import the Intune Powershell SDK module in Azure Automation. This features has been requested for a long time and its finally here 😀 YAY ! Previously you had to do a lot of tinkering and

Send custom notifications with intune powershell sdk

Last week (Week of July 22, 2019) Microsoft released a new feature in Intune where admins now can send custom notifications to the Company Portal app to Android and iOS devices. A short explenation of the function is that you send a notification to the Company portal application on iOS