Intune – Invoke sync to all devices in Intune with the Intune powershell SDK

A new updated article from 2023 on this topic has been published here:

The new article covers using the new Microsoft.Graph Powershell SDK instead of the old Intune Powershell SDK that has not been updated since 2019. I recommend you take a look at the newer article.


Continuing the series where I cover how to use the powershell SDK for Intune and some real world use cases. Today we will cover how to invoke a sync from Intune to one or several devices.

If you haven’t installed the SDK you can either go to and you can also check out my earlier post on how to get started and use the SDK:


Intune Powershell SDK

Intune – Show VPP account Information directly from the client apps view for easier management 

Intune – Rename iOS devices with Intune Powershell SDK 


Syncing a device from the Intune Portal


The manual way of invoking a sync to a device from Intune is to go to Intune -> Devices -> (Select the device you want to sync) -> Sync 




But what we instead want to do is to invoke a sync with the help of the Intune Powershell SDK. The specific use case here is that you might need to run a sync to multiple devices and instead of needing to go in to the UI and click “Sync” as shown in the picture and for that we can use the Intune Powershell SDK and Graph API to do the work for us.


Sync one device


Lets get started, I assume you’ve Installed the SDK by now and the first thing we are going to look at is how to run a sync against a single device.


First we need to authenticate towards the tenant we are going to use and we do that with the Connect-MSGraph cmdlet.





Once connected we need to use the Get-IntuneManagedDevice cmdlet and then use the -Filter parameter to get the specific device we want. I’ll do a more in depth post on filtering and how you can search and filter when using the Graph API later so stay tuned for that.

In this example I’m just filtering on the deviceName property, you should replace ‘DESKTOP-G0HGUP’ for the device name you are looking for.




Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "contains(deviceName,'DESKTOP-G0HGHUP')"


When we retrieved the device we need to invoke the sync request and for that we will use the Invoke-IntuneManagedDeviceSyncDevice cmdlet. If you want to make a one liner we just need to pipe the result and its super easy.



Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "contains(deviceName,'DESKTOP-G0HGHUP')" | Invoke-IntuneManagedDeviceSyncDevice


Sync multiple devices


Now to the more exiting part, how can we leverage the power of the Intune Powershell SDK to sync multiple devices. We need to start just like we did when we tried to sync one device to get all the devices we want to invoke a sync on.

Side note. If you want to sync more than 1000 devices you need to do something called Paging. The Intune Powershell SDK uses Graph API which is a REST API and returns pages containing 1000 objects at the time, if you exceed 1000 you need to get the next page containing the next 1000 objects and so on until you got all the objects. This can be done by using the cmdlet Get-MSGraphAllPages.


Again we need to use the Get-IntuneManagedDevice cmdlet to get all the devices we want to invoke a sync on and we are using the -Filter parameter to get perhaps all the windows, iOS or Android devices. Here’s a few examples


$Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "contains(operatingsystem, 'iOS')"

$Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "contains(operatingsystem, 'Windows')"

$Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "contains(operatingsystem, 'Android')"


As mentioned earlier, if you have more than 1000 objects returned you need to use the Get-MSGraphAllPages like this


$Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "contains(operatingsystem, 'Windows')" | Get-MSGraphAllPages




Running the $Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter “contains(operatingsystem, ‘Windows’)” in my lab tenant will get me 5 devices



Next step is to invoke a sync towards all of those devices and I’m also adding a Write-host just to make it more visible that the script is actually doing something.


Foreach ($Device in $Devices)

Invoke-IntuneManagedDeviceSyncDevice -managedDeviceId $Device.managedDeviceId
Write-Host "Sending Sync request to Device with DeviceID $($Device.managedDeviceId)" -ForegroundColor Yellow




That’s it and below you will find the a complete script template you can use which will make sure the Powershell module is Installed and that you have an authentication token and if not it will run Connect-MSGraph where  you need to authenticate towards the tenant you want to run the script against. Stay tuned for more content in regards to Graph API and the Intune Powershell SDK.


$IntuneModule = Get-Module -Name "Microsoft.Graph.Intune" -ListAvailable
if (!$IntuneModule){

write-host "Microsoft.Graph.Intune Powershell module not installed..." -f Red
write-host "Install by running 'Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune' from an elevated PowerShell prompt" -f Yellow
write-host "Script can't continue..." -f Red
# Importing the SDK Module
Import-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Intune


#### Insert your script here

#### Gets all devices running Windows
$Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter "contains(operatingsystem,'Windows')"

Foreach ($Device in $Devices)

Invoke-IntuneManagedDeviceSyncDevice -managedDeviceId $Device.managedDeviceId
Write-Host "Sending Sync request to Device with DeviceID $($Device.managedDeviceId)" -ForegroundColor Yellow




Leave a comment or question in the comment section below.


That’s all for now and until next time, cheers !

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter

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And you can also find me blogging over at


  1. Thank you for sharing, this will help our case out a lot!

    To get this working to sync more than 1000 devices I had to use $

    I could successfully pull all the data for running over 1000, but running the sync on $devices.manageddeviceid would work on the first 1000, then error out.

  2. Great post – that is frustrating you just in the GUI can select multiple devices and sync

    One thing – as I am not at all a big scriptor

    What if I want to sync devices in a specific dynamic group that is typically the thing I work most with – can this also somehow be done ?

    1. Hi mate. Im having the same issue you were having where it errors out after 1000 entries. Can you please be a little more specific? I cant see to get it to work.


    2. Hi mate. Im having the same issue you were having where it errors out after 1000 entries. Can you please be a little more specific? I cant see to get it to work.


  3. Excellent Post – it is really wonderfull way to fetch device information.

  4. Great post, can you help with a scenario where we would like to target the sync to a particular group of devices

  5. Is there a way to find out if the sync finished? I would like to use this before and after doing some things on a device and checking if the changes I made have taken.
    Changes being a cleanup of diskspace and then checking how much there is.

  6. Does anyone have the full PowerShell code to have it work with over 1000 devices?

  7. To do more than 100 use: $Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter “contains(operatingsystem, ‘Windows’)” | Get-MSGraphAllPages

  8. This script worked for us once we updated line 22 of the script to:

    $Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter “contains(operatingsystem, ‘Windows’)”| Get-MSGraphAllPages

  9. Modified it a little work over 1000 and change for write-progress

    $IntuneModule = Get-Module -Name “Microsoft.Graph.Intune” -ListAvailable
    if (!$IntuneModule){

    write-host “Installing SDK Module”
    Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Intune
    Import-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Intune


    $Devices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice -Filter “contains(operatingsystem,’Windows’)” | Get-MSGraphAllPages

    $device1 = 0

    Foreach ($Device in $Devices)
    Invoke-IntuneManagedDeviceSyncDevice -managedDeviceId $Device.managedDeviceId
    Write-Progress -Activity “Sending Sync” -Status “Processing $($device1) of $($Devices.count)” -CurrentOperation $Device.deviceName -PercentComplete (($Device1 / $Devices.count)*100)


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